Veco Burger - The story of a vegan burger that says no to onions and garlic.


This morning, An Chay TV Team met Ms. Chia Siow Ching – founder and manager of the Veco Burger brand, a Malaysian vegan burger brand.
This morning, An Chay TV Team met Ms. Chia Siow Ching – founder and manager of the Veco Burger brand, a Malaysian vegan burger brand.
Fast food and burgers are probably the regular and favorite foods of young people, but what surprises An Chay TV the most is that Siow Ching’s brand chose not to use 5 pungent spices: onion, garlic, leeks, chives and green onions when established because in Malaysia some vegetarians do not use pungent spice.
A challenge for startups in the F&B industry when onions and garlic are common spices in dishes, helping to enhance the smell and enhance the taste, but there is “a Burger restaurant that is completely vegan and says no to onion and garlic” and absolutely delicious with the richness of vegan Mayonnese created and made by Veco.
What an interesting and puzzling story! Let’s wait and see what the An Chay TV team and Veg-Hub has discovered on this trip!
An Chay TV – The first multimedia channel in Vietnam in the field of vegetarianism

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